Simcoe Rec Hockey LeagueSimcoe Rec Hockey League

Announcement Archive

August 2013 - Changes to the coming year:
- There will no longer be any public skating. The public skating has been canceled because it has been costing the league too much over the years.
- The season starts on September 27, 2013
- The playoffs start on April 9, 2014
- There is a change to the constitution which states that if a player has signed an OMHA or OHA player card, that person cannot play in our league for that entire season.
- The new referee in chief is Brad Stark

March 2013 - 2013 playoffs will be 2 - 20 minute periods. Overtime if needed will be 5 minutes.

February 2013 - Josh Breedyk is now the Referee in Chief.

January 2013 - Since the games have been getting curfewed too often the league decided (majority vote) to keep the stopped time games but change the games to (2 - 16 min stopped time periods).

January 2013 - Since we have added time to the games (2 – 17min stopped time periods). There is a chance the games will go long. At 10 minutes to the hour for each given game the game will be curfewed. This will keep the schedule in tack and the onus won’t be all on the 11pm game. As long as there is good flow to the game this shouldn’t be an issue.

December 2012 - The periods will be changed from TWO 15 minute stopped time periods to TWO 17 minute stopped time periods. Between the periods teams will stay on the side they are on. All the penalties will stay at 2 mins long. If you have any questions, contact your team rep.

September 2012 - The periods will be changed from 3 running time periods to TWO 15 minute stopped time periods. All the penalties will now be 2 mins long. If you have any questions, contact your team rep.

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